Friday, October 30, 2009

This Is All You Need To Do To Find Affordable Dentures

Are you in need of a set of affordable dentures, but are finding everything to be too expensive? Don't feel alone. There are a lot of people in the same situation, however there are a few affordable solutions for getting dentures at a very reasonable cost. These "hidden gems" that can save you a lot of money on dentures are known as dental discount plans. Discount plans will provide you a substantial discount off of both routine and major dental work by simply visiting a dentist in your area that is within their network. Your own dentist, if you currently have one, may already be a member and you might not even know.

After you find a local dentist, all you need to do is simply pay the small fee to join the discount plan. The cost of joining can be as low as $79.95 for an individual or around $150 for a family. Once you've done that you can begin using your plan within 1-3 days of joining. You'll be set up before you know it and have your new set of dentures taken care. Let's take a look at the savings that one of these plans offers. In this example I'll be using a dental discount plan that's available in the Beverly Hills, California area. Let's take a look.

The usual cost of full upper dentures in this area is around $1,250, however, by joining this discount plan your cost would only be $500. That's a savings of $750.00. Talk about affordable dentures! Simply pay your dentist the $500 fee at the time of your appointment and you'll walk out with upper dentures that you've enjoyed 60% savings on.

The cost of joining this particular dental discount plan in Beverly Hills is only $159.95 per year for a family or $119.95 for an individual. Deduct the cost of a family from the $750 you saved on your dentures and you are still ahead $590.05. $630.05 ahead if you only need the individual plan. Also, this isn't only a one time savings. You'll continue to save anywhere from 10$ to 60% each time you visit the dentist for the next twelve months.

The cost and savings offered by these plans will differ depending on the area of the country you live in. Savings may be more or less, but I can almost guarantee that you'll still be able to find afordable dentures, regardless of the area that you live in. If you are in need of major dental care you really should take a good look at dental discount plans.

Do Dental Discount Plans Really Save You Money or is Dental Insurance The Way To Go? Find Out The REAL Truth by Visiting or by clicking on Affordable Dentures . Joe Stewart is a former Life And Health Insurance Agent that now works for himself by providing solid, expert information to consumers.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This Is All You Need To Do To Find Affordable Dentures

Are you in need of a set of affordable dentures, but are finding everything to be too expensive? Don't feel alone. There are a lot of people in the same situation, however there are a few affordable solutions for getting dentures at a very reasonable cost. These "hidden gems" that can save you a lot of money on dentures are known as dental discount plans. Discount plans will provide you a substantial discount off of both routine and major dental work by simply visiting a dentist in your area that is within their network. Your own dentist, if you currently have one, may already be a member and you might not even know.

After you find a local dentist, all you need to do is simply pay the small fee to join the discount plan. The cost of joining can be as low as $79.95 for an individual or around $150 for a family. Once you've done that you can begin using your plan within 1-3 days of joining. You'll be set up before you know it and have your new set of dentures taken care. Let's take a look at the savings that one of these plans offers. In this example I'll be using a dental discount plan that's available in the Beverly Hills, California area. Let's take a look.

The usual cost of full upper dentures in this area is around $1,250, however, by joining this discount plan your cost would only be $500. That's a savings of $750.00. Talk about affordable dentures! Simply pay your dentist the $500 fee at the time of your appointment and you'll walk out with upper dentures that you've enjoyed 60% savings on.

The cost of joining this particular dental discount plan in Beverly Hills is only $159.95 per year for a family or $119.95 for an individual. Deduct the cost of a family from the $750 you saved on your dentures and you are still ahead $590.05. $630.05 ahead if you only need the individual plan. Also, this isn't only a one time savings. You'll continue to save anywhere from 10$ to 60% each time you visit the dentist for the next twelve months.

The cost and savings offered by these plans will differ depending on the area of the country you live in. Savings may be more or less, but I can almost guarantee that you'll still be able to find afordable dentures, regardless of the area that you live in. If you are in need of major dental care you really should take a good look at dental discount plans.

Do Dental Discount Plans Really Save You Money or is Dental Insurance The Way To Go? Find Out The REAL Truth by Visiting or by clicking on Affordable Dentures . Joe Stewart is a former Life And Health Insurance Agent that now works for himself by providing solid, expert information to consumers.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Truth About Dental Implants

There are three (not serious) main questions, when you understand that you need a dental implant procedure:

1. How much dental implant cost?
2. What are main dental implant prices?
3. Can I get free dental implant? Actually, dentures implant procedure is one of the most expensive things you can do at dentists office.

In the past, dentists would try to keep or replace teeth with treatments such as root canals, bridges, and fixed or removable dentures. Unfortunately, a significant number of root canal treated teeth fail, bridges require that healthy adjacent teeth be cut down and removable dentures can often be unstable and require the use of sticky adhesives. Dental implants are a solution to these problems, and many of the concerns associated with natural teeth are eliminated, including dental decay.

A Single-Tooth Implant

Single-tooth implants can be used in people who are missing one or more teeth. An tooth implant is surgically placed in an opening that is made by your dentist in the jawbone. After the implant integrates (attaches) to your bone, it acts as a new "root" for the crown that will be replacing your missing tooth. A crown (cap), which is made to look like a natural tooth, is attached to the implant and fills the space left in the mouth by the missing tooth.

For this procedure to work, there must be enough bone in the jaw, and the bone has to be strong enough to hold and support the tooth implant. If there is not enough bone, be may need to be added with a procedure called bone augmentation. In addition, natural teeth and supporting tissues near where the implant will be placed must be in good health.

There are plenty of reasons to replace a missing tooth. A gap between your teeth, if obvious when you smile or speak, is a cosmetic concern.

Depending on their location, some missing teeth may affect your speech. A missing molar might not be noticeable when you talk or smile, but its absence can affect chewing.

When a tooth is missing, the biting force on the remaining teeth begins to change. As the bite changes to compensate for the lost tooth, there is a risk of extra pressure on and discomfort in the jaw joints. If a missing tooth is not replaced, the surrounding teeth can shift. Harmful plaque and tartar can collect in new hard-to-reach places created by the shifting teeth. Over time, this may lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease.

What is a Dental Implant?

A dental implant is one option for replacing a tooth. Implants are manufactured devices that are placed surgically in the upper or lower jaw, where they function as anchors for replacement teeth. Implants are made of titanium and other materials that are compatible with the human body.

An implant-restored tooth consists of several parts.

* The implant, which is made of titanium, is placed in the upper or lower jawbone.
* The abutment can be made of titanium, gold or porcelain. It is attached to the implant with a screw. This part connects the implant to the crown.
* The restoration (the part that looks like a tooth) is a crown, usually made of porcelain fused to a metal alloy (PFM), but also could be an all-metal or all-porcelain crown. The crown is attached either to the abutment or directly to the implant. It can be screwed or cemented onto the abutment. If the crown is screwed to the abutment, the screw hole will be covered with restorative material such as tooth-colored filling material (composite).

An implant looks and feels like a natural tooth. It fits securely when you chew and speak. A single-tooth implant is a free-standing unit and does not involve treatment to the adjacent teeth. With a dental implant, the surrounding teeth can remain untouched if they are healthy, and their strength and integrity may be maintained. The implant can stabilize your bite and help prevent problems with the jaw.

What Happens During the Tooth Implant Procedure?

Treatment generally is a three-part process that takes several months. Your dentist may provide the treatment, or you may be referred to a specialist - such as a periodontist, a prosthodontistor an oral and maxillofacial surgeon - for all or part of the treatment.

In the first step, the dentist surgically places the implant in the jaw, with the top of the implant slightly above the top of the bone. A screw is inserted into the implant to prevent gum tissue and other debris from entering.

The gum then is secured over the implant, where it will remain covered for approximately three to six months while the implant fuses with the bone, a process called "Osseo integration. "There may be some swelling and/or tenderness for a few days after the surgery, so pain medication usually is prescribed to alleviate the discomfort. A diet of soft foods, cold foods and warm soup often is recommended during the healing process.

In the second step, the implant is uncovered and the dentist attaches an extension, called a "post," to the implant. The gum tissue is allowed to heal around the post. Once healing is complete, the implant and post will serve as the foundation for the new tooth.

In the final step, the dentist makes a custom artificial tooth, called a "dental crown," of a size, shape, color and fit that will blend with the other teeth. Once completed, the crown is attached to the implant post.

And now, maybe most important part.

We'll try to answer if dental implants are good choice for you.

* If you are missing a tooth, or teeth you could be an ideal candidate for implants, especially if your smile reveals missing teeth!
* If you are uncomfortable with the way your dentures fit. Loose dentures can cause sore gums because of friction or food trapped under the bridgework.
* Loose teeth from gum disease may need support.
* Dental implants can give you a new base to support new teeth to function and feel like natural teeth.

In these instances, dental implants can help.

Success and failure rates for dental implant procedure.

Dental implant success is related to operator skill, quality and quantity of the bone available at the site, and also to the patient's oral hygiene. Various studies have found the 5 year success rate of implants to be between 75-95%. Patients who smoke experience significantly poorer success rates.

Failure of a dental implant is usually related to failure to osseointegrate correctly. A dental implant is considered to be a failure if it is lost, mobile or shows peri-implant bone loss of greater than one mm in the first year after implanting and greater than 0.2mm a year after that.

Dental implants are not susceptible to dental caries but they can develop a periodontal condition called peri-implantitis where correct oral hygiene routines have not been followed. Risk of failure is increased in smokers. For this reason implants are frequently placed only after a patient has stopped smoking as the treatment is very expensive. More rarely, an implant may fail because of poor positioning at the time of surgery, or may be overloaded initially causing failure to integrate.

Does it very hurt to have dental implants placed?

The actual procedure to surgically place a dental implant is done under local anesthesia and is generally not at all painful. When the anesthesia wears off about three or four hours later, you might expect some discomfort. The level of discomfort is quite different from patient to patient, but most patients do not have significant problems.

In cases where there is prolonged pain, you should see your dentist right away. Prolonged pain is not a good sign with dental implants and although it does not always mean failure, the cause of the pain should be determined as soon as possible. If an implant is not properly integrating into the adjacent bone or if an infection develops, the implant may have to be removed.

What are the alternatives to implants?

The alternatives to implants are dentures or bridges. On the other hand, you may choose to simply accept the space where a tooth is missing.

A denture usually includes a metal and/or plastic base carrying plastic or porcelain artificial teeth. It is a removable replacement for a few missing teeth (partial denture) or a whole set of teeth (complete dentures). Dentures are very common but they can become loose, making it difficult to eat and speak. One or more implants can be fitted to help support and retain a denture.

A bridge consists of artificial teeth cemented onto adjacent natural teeth. If a fixed bridge were to be used, your dentist would cut down the adjacent teeth (the second molar and the second bicuspid) and fit a three unit fixed bridge over those two teeth.

The missing tooth would be called a pontic and it would be effectively replaced by the three unit bridge. If your dentist were to use an implant with a crown on it, he would place an implant in the site of the original first molar. He could do this immediately or at some date after the first molar was removed. There is no time limit here. The implant will take about 3 months to connect with the bone and then at that time, your dentist can construct a single crown on the implant to replace the missing first molar.

The cost of each one of these procedures varies from office to office, but a three unit fixed bridge costs about the same as an implant and a crown. The actual decision to do one over the other rests with you and your dentist. One technique is not inherently better than the other and each depends upon how you present and your dentist's skills.

How much dental implant cost?

There are no established fees, of course, dental implant procedures can start even from $800 (dental tourism countries) to $4,000 (at top end dentists US), but it can go beyond.

Alexandr Bo is editor of -- Your Dental Health We write, post and ask dentists from all around the world about secrets of dental care and teeth treatment. On you can find a place for dental tourism for make affordable dental works abroad.

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Treatment of Gaps Or Spaces Between Teeth Using Cosmetic Dentistry

A lot of people are unhappy or embarrassed about gaps they may have between their teeth. These gaps could be very small or very large. Spaces between teeth can be closed or filled by different cosmetic dentistry methods.

Cosmetic dentistry and Orthodontics (Braces)

If you have relatively small spaces between your teeth these can be closed with orthodontics or braces. There are different types of braces available to correct spaces between the teeth:
•Clear braces such as Inman aligners, Clear Step and Invisalign.
•Fixed metal braces
•Ceramic fixed braces
•Removable braces such as clear aligners

Braces can take from a few weeks to 3 years to close gaps depending on each individual case.

Cosmetic Dentistry and Dental Implants

If you have large spaces due to missing teeth, dental implants or teeth implants are a good option to replace teeth and close gaps. Dental implants are first fixed into the jaw and then restored a few months later, once the implant has healed.

Restoration options include dental crowns, dental bridges and dentures.

Closing Gaps with Dental Bridges

Another option to replace missing teeth is with dental bridges. Dental bridges are fixed to two abutment teeth on either side of the gap. Dental bridges usually take two visits to complete and can be done in one week. Dental bridges are made of porcelain bonded to metal or all porcelain.

Dentures and Cosmetic Dentistry

The third option to replace missing teeth is dentures. Dentures can replace from one to all teeth. Dentures are removable and not fixed like dental implants and dental bridges. There are different types of dentures:
•Immediate dentures - replace teeth straight after extraction
•Partial dentures - replace some teeth, fixed around some natural teeth
•Full dentures - replace all teeth
•Cosmetic dentures - can be any of the above, but with cosmetics in mind

Dentures can be made of acrylic or metal. This depends on each individual case.

Closing Gaps with Porcelain Veneers

Another option to close smaller gaps is with porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers only take 2 visits to complete and are good at reshaping the teeth to make the smile better. Porcelain veneers are a very popular cosmetic dentistry option.

Resin Bonding to Close the Gaps.

Gaps between teeth can be made smaller or closed with cosmetic bonding with resin filling. This is usually added in between the teeth and can achieve very good immediate results. It is also reversible unlike porcelain veneers, dental bridges and dental implants.

What to Do Next

It is important to choose the right option to replace teeth or close gaps between teeth. It is important to visit a cosmetic dentist who is experienced at this type of work and know what you want. It is important to see similar cases to your own so that you have a good idea of the end result.

Perfect Smile Spa specializes in cosmetic dentistry and Dental bridges, Partial dentures. If you would like any further information call Perfect Smile Spa on 01708 442 114.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Pros and Cons of Dental Implants

Dental implants are considered to be “one of the most important advances in dental treatment over the last two decades.” Dental implants allow for the replacement of individual teeth and/or a variety of teeth. Dental implants are defined as, “titanium rods about a centimeter long that are placed inside the jawbone and serve the same purpose as the roots of teeth.” There are both pros and cons when it comes to dental implants. Patients considering getting them should consider both sides of the coin before making a final decision.

Starting with the pros, dental implants once in place can last a person a lifetime which makes them well worth the money. Dental implants are very practical and look as natural as real teeth. Dental implants look a great deal better than other forms of dental fixtures such as traditional, removable bridges and dentures (which can be both loose fitting in the mouth). Dental implants also feel better in the mouth than do bridges and the biting action of the dental implants is every bit as good, in not better than that of bridges.

Dental implants are excellent in their fit and look very striking. Dentists can replace one, two, three and even more teeth in a patient’s mouth or the implant can be used to create supports for dentures. Implants allow a patient to look younger and they can make it possible for bridges to be positioned in the mouth where there is no individual tooth or teeth to connect it to. Dental implants can correct a jaw that is completely toothless. As well dental implants can prevent bone that is toothless from what is called as resorbing (in other words, dissolving and shrinking).

The cons are the downside of dental implants. One of the biggest is the cost of them which is great. Dental implants can run a patient into the thousands. They are a great deal pricier than removable full or partial dentures and fixed bridges. Dental implants are not always covered by insurance policies. It is a very time consuming process that involves frequent visits to the dentist. In the most complicated of cases, patients can be making multiple visits for a period of one to two years.

Dental implant surgery involves a certain degree of pain afterwards as well as bruising and swelling. This will vary from person to person. The false tooth that is positioned on top during the surgery, known as the crown, will likely have to be replaced sometime during a ten to fifteen year period. Dental implants do not always “integrate” or take to a patient’s mouth. In other words, sometimes the surgery is a failure. This can depend on a number of different factors, the most common being the type of implant that was used and the overall health of the patient in question. Most often this surgery is a failure when it comes to specific diseases such as diabetes that is not under control for example, as well as in those individuals who smoke. Breakage of dental implants commonly occurs which are definite cons as well as the occurrence of infections inside the mouth.

Stephanie Dilson is a Cosmetic Dentist and runs an informational website on dental implants. For more information including costs, benefits,alternatives, types of implants and more see

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Poor Fitting Denture Problem

Wearing dentures is one of the most common methods of solving teeth problems. However, they also cause certain problems, especially when they become loose. While dentures don't change over time, people's mouths do. With these change comes fitting problems. It is important to employ proper care and to visit the dentist on a regular basis to keep a healthy oral hygiene and to make sure your dentures remain in good shape.

Problems that can arise from poor fitting dentures vary and the causes are different, too. With age, the gum ridges in the mouth are likely to shrink, causing dentures to lose their grip and become loose. For the same reason, the jaw bone can also shrink, causing the jaws to keep out of line and result in ill fitting dentures. If loose dentures are not taken right away to the dentist for fixing, changes in facial features could set in. On the more serious side of things, sore spots in the mouth may develop, causing problems in chewing and in overall digestion.

There are tell-tale signs of times when dentures must be replaced at the soonest possible time. If you are haven't worn your dentures for some time now because they are causing you some discomfort, then your dentures most probably need some adjusting. If you think you are having sores because of your dentures, then you most probably have to take your dentures for some check-up. If your mouth is acquiring more saliva than usual, then your dentures may have come loose and need to be tightened. If your teeth are suffering from decay and/or pain or if you think you have a periodontal disease, then you have more reason to see your dentist right away.

While taking proper care of your mouth - your teeth, gums, and tongue - is advised, it is not enough to avoid problems with poor fitting dentures. Taking proper care of your dentures can help them become intact and stay in good shape for a long time. Just like your teeth, gums, and mouth, you should not forget to brush your dentures regularly, particularly after every meal. Food particles and plaque should be removed. If you take out your dentures, you should remember to keep them in water or in a dental solution. Your dentist can tell you the right temperature for the water and which dental solution to use.

You might be tempted to fix or repair your dentures by yourself. Don't give in to this particular temptation. A dentist is well-equipped, not to mention qualified, to make the necessary repairs or adjustments to your dentures. A dentist has materials available only to dentists that are designed specifically to fix dentures. You can find many over-the-counter products advertised for the treatment of poor fitting denture problems. However, these products contain harmful chemicals that can cause more damage to your dentures. Instead of wasting your time, effort, and money on fake products, make an appointment with your dentist and let him do the work. offers more information about dentistry as well as comprehensive reviews of dentist Brighton and dentist Essex. Visit our web site to get more information about local UK dentist.

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Friday, October 16, 2009

A Career That's In Demand

When it comes to dental related career choices in New York State, one place to start is as a dental laboratory technician. Getting a start in this field will give you choices.

With the high demand for dental techs in NY, you will be able to choose where you work, and you can expect a higher starting salary than you could in other states.

As you may already know, a dental tech is responsible for the manufacturing of dental implants such as dentures, tooth veneers, retainers, and other dental appliances. In New York, however, you will find many more choices in career paths with an associate's degree in dental technology.

The New York Dental Tech - Work Choices

The biggest advantage to working in New York as a dental laboratory technician is the salary you can expect. Across the country, the median annual salary in this field is $32,600. In New York the average wage jumps to $38,810. You will also find there are many opportunities for top salaries (over $60,000) with the choices in work as a NY dental tech.

Unlike other states across the country, in New York you will have a broader range of work choices. The NY Dental Tech can find work in the traditional manufacturing role, or as one of the following:

1. Sales - With this growing field there is a need for qualified sales people to work for the dental laboratories in NY. If you have selling skills, a job as a salesman can earn you far above the average salary for a dental tech.

2. Research and Development - New York State also houses some of the finest research facilities for dental technology. As a dental laboratory technician you can choose to work as a researcher who helps to find new solutions and design new dental appliances.

3. Teaching - The high demand for qualified people in this field has led to an increase in enrollment in learning programs. An experience dental tech can find work in a teaching role.

Another popular choice in New York is to use a dental technology degree as a stepping stone to a more advanced dental career.

Using Your Career As a Stepping Stone

With a degree in dental technology, and experience in a dental field, many people are using their career as a stepping stone to become dental hygienists, dentists, or orthodontists. Their experience working in a dental related field allows them to take a fast track to one of these higher paying careers. In many cases you can work full time, and continue your education on a part time basis.

How Do I Become a Dental Tech?

To get started as a dental tech, you will require some training. Through traditional programs in New York State, such as the one administered by the New York City College of Technology, you can have an associate's degree in dental laboratory technology in one year. There are also many private schools that offer fast track programs, and can have you working in as little as six months.

If you've been considering a dental related career, and you live in the New York area, there has never been a better time to get started. The high demand for all dentistry related degrees makes the dental laboratory technician an excellent career path in this area.

Rita Henry is a contributing editor to Get Dental Technician Jobs, a leading job site for the Dental Technician Industry. For more information about Dental Technician jobs in New York and Dental Technician salaries in New York visit Get Dental Technician Jobs today!

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Latest Advancements in the Niche of Dental Implants

Dental implants are conducted worldwide, with only one intention in mind - to replace the missing tooth. Losing a tooth is not a great deal - it can happen to anyone, anytime. People lose their teeth due to old age or as a consequence of accidents. The absence of a tooth can mar the overall appearance of a person - instead of spending the rest of your lives cursing; dentists have developed various procedures to fix this "problem". In the following passages, I will be explaining about one such procedure!

Allow me to explain certain advantages of dental implants (other than fixing your beauty):

a) Instead of opting for primitive teeth fixing procedures, a dentist can opt for a dental implant. The procedure is simple these days and with the appropriate skills and tools, it can be completed within an hour. Besides, the dentist will be able to concentrate on the region that is devoid of the tooth (in other words, the rest of the teeth will be unharmed, when this procedure is opted).

b) Implanting dentures - this is the primary procedure still being preferred by many dentists to fix a missing tooth. Some who have undergone the procedure will be aware of the disadvantage - the tooth will not be stable, and it will be prone to dislocation. Why invest on a technology, which gives you temporary respite, when dental implants are in existence?

c) Opting for dentures is well and good - but what the overall shape of your face is altered as a direct result of the same? Certain procedures will alter the inherent structure of the jawbone (in other words, you might end up looking like someone else). Why risk your appearance by opting for dentures, when you can rectify the situation with the aid of dental implants?

The list of advantages of dental implants is quite exhaustive. Let us consider how dental implants are conducted. The new tooth must be fixed firmly to the jawbone. In order to achieve this, specialized structures (manufactured from titanium) are affixed into the jawbone. This will act as the root of the tooth. Once this structure is affixed, the new tooth will be fixed on to the new root. Screws are employed to keep the root of the tooth in the position - these screws will retain the tooth for extended periods (if proper care is imparted, likewise).

There are limitations to the type of food that can be consumed if you opt for dentures. With dental implants on your mouth, you can literally indulge in any kind of food, without even thinking twice. This is the major motivating factor for many millions to opt for this paradigm. Dentures impart a feeling of discomfort to the mouth. Testimonials of plenty of people who are opting for this newer procedure list that there is no marked discomforts. Face the world boldly, instead of shunning away from it - with the aid of dental implants! Do keep us posted about your experiences with the same.

If you are living in southampton and looking for southampton dentists to help you with your dental implants, simply visit You will find experienced dental implants southampton doctors there.

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Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Dental Implants Procedure

The dental implants procedure has had many improvements and refinements. The result is a procedure which works, and works so well that more and more people are looking to get dental implants done! In this article, you will soon discover more about the procedure.

Though dental implants has been done for centuries, it is only since the 1970's that the process became something acceptable by people.

The ancient Mayan civilization has been known to do implants, however, the practice wouldn't be something any person in the right frame of mind would want today! Luckily the process is much better today!

Today you can expect top quality treatment, and results which last for decades, and even a lifetime. No longer is there a need to have gaps in your mouth or have to resort the dentures.

The dental implants procedure runs through several sessions in most cases. The first part is to actually put the base that connects to the jaw bone. Titanium parts are often used, and this is best because it is a strong metal. This will allow you to have the dental implants running for a lifetime!

The next step is the making up of the tooth, as well as fitting it in. The good point about all this is that if you need the actual tooth implant replaced, it is an easier process, because you have the titanium base which acts like a root. All the dentist then needs to do is to make up another tooth implant and connect it to the titanium root.

Discover the cost of dental implants. Visit cost dental implants and find the information you need to get dental implants. Visit and find a low cost dental implants - the best link for dental implants!

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Four Different Types Of Dentures Explained

Are you in need of new dentures? Do you know anything about dentures or what your options are? This can be confusing for many people and understandably so. After all, most people only get new dentures once or twice during their lifetime, so it's not like they're doing this everyday. In addition, medical research has come up with new dental treatments and options everyday. Some of these new treatments, including implants, have only been available since the early 1990's.

There are four types of dentures available to you. Some are obviously going to be more expensive than others. This is just going to give you a brief overview of what's available to you.

Standard Denture

The standard denture is designed for individuals who have already lost all of their original teeth. These are the types of dentures that have been used for the past few decades, although there have been a few modifications in order to help them fit better and be more comfortable to wear. These standard dentures can be sized by removing some of the back portion of the denture. The only drawback to doing this is that the more that is removed, the less of a seal you'll have in your mouth to hold them in place.

Immediate Dentures

Immediate dentures are not exactly what you would think. They are actually the temporary dentures that patients are fitted with immediately after having their bad teeth extracted. The term "immediate" gives some people the impression that they're getting dentures made for them the same day, as if they were going through a denture drive up window, but that's not the case.

Cu-Sil Dentures

Cu-Sil dentures aren't a very good solution for people that have many individually stable, natural teeth. There are actually a lot of problems with this type of denture because of the difficulty of alignment and stability. In many cases, Cu-Sil dentures will not work effectively for some people that have no teeth at all to help stabilize the new denture. Ask your dentist more about Cu-Sil dentures and if they are a viable option for you.

Dental Implants

Implants are by far the most expensive denture option available. The cost of a full set of implants can rival a down payment on a middle class home. The reason for this is that they are the most effective denture solution by far. Posts are inserted into the persons jaw and allowed to heal in place. After doing this your dentures can be snapped into place allowing much more stability. Many people with implants have said it's almost like having real teeth again because they can eat almost normally.

As I said before, this is just a brief overview of the types of dentures available to you. You should contact a dentist and ask any additional questions that you may have.

Stop! Find Out How You Can Save Up To 60% On New Dentures Right Now By Visiting or by clicking on Types Of Dentures . Joe Stewart is a former Life And Health Insurance Agent that now works for himself by providing solid, expert information to consumers.

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Cost of Dental Implants

Surgical procedures for those seeking dental implants come with varying fee structures that are dependent on the implant(s), the extremity of the damage, and the expertise and experience of the implant dentist.

The cost of dental implants is contingent on several factors: the state of the bone, the size of the area, extraction of teeth, and the type of implant. Based on the patient's mouth and individual case a bone graft and or teeth extractions may or may not be necessary in order to have successful implants.

Cost of a Single Tooth Dental Implant

A single tooth implant could be the result of a variety of instances including: decay, a failed root canal, a fractured tooth, a fall, an accident, or periodontal disease. If the bone is healthy under the area of the missing tooth, then the single tooth dental implant typically ranges between $3,500-$4,950 to replace.

Approximations of Costs:

Dental Implant beneath the gum $2000-$2300
Abutment that screws to the implant $450-$650
Porcelain Crown $1500-$2000

Multi-Teeth Dental Implants Cost

The cost of dental implants when multiple teeth have been knocked out or removed will depend on the size of the area of the missing teeth. Dental implants require certain measurements in order for there to be appropriate room for the implants.

If the teeth are located toward the back of the mouth the implant dentist may be able to put in two dental implants rather than three and save the patient money. However, that can only be determined during a consultation.

The cost for a single tooth replacement typically ranges between $3,500-$4,950 and will be less when replacing multiple teeth.

All-Teeth Dental Implant Cost

Cost of Removable Dentures

Removable dentures are the traditional form of denture where the denture must be taken out every time you eat. Removable dentures include: a few positioned dental implants below the gum, a piece to go on top of the implant and a bar to position on top of the gum for the denture to snap into.

Generally, a removable denture costs between $5,500-$16,500.

Cost of Non-Removable Dentures

Non-Removable dentures can be treated as natural teeth as they do not need to be taken out when one eats. The cost for non-removable dentures is $20,000- $27,000 for the implant, buttons and screws to hold the fixed dentures in place.

Additional Costs Associated with Some Implants

Additional costs will be associated with dental implants depending on the state of the teeth and the bone when performing the procedure.


If the mouth is full of teeth that need to be replaced, than there will be an extraction cost on top of the cost for the dental implant(s).

Extractions range from $200-$400 per tooth.

Bone Grafting

If all teeth are missing and have been for some time, bone grafts are often needed.

A bone graft can average anywhere from $300-$1,600 depending on the extent of grafting needed.

Sinus Grafting

When the root of the tooth has reached the sinus cavity a sinus graft or lift may be required at an additional cost to the dental implant. The reason for this is to ensure that the sinus cavity is protected when the implant is placed. The implant dentist will determine if there is a need for a dental implant at the time of the consultation.

Sinus grafting and lifts range from $1,500-$3,000.

Dental implants are many times the perfect oral health solution, improving both cosmetic appeal and overall quality of life.


Dr. Lee Fitzgerald practices implant dentistry at his Dallas Dental Implant Center and services the North Dallas and Mid-Cities areas including: Frisco, Plano, Addison, Grand Prairie and Euless.

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